
How to Use Webhooks in CoachIQ

Webhooks in CoachIQ allow you to automate actions and connect with other apps like Zapier. This guide will help you set up a webhook and understand its capabilities.

Understanding Webhooks

A webhook is a way for one app to send real-time information to another app. Think of it like a digital notification system. When something happens in CoachIQ, like a new user signing up, a webhook can instantly send that information to another app, like Zapier.

Setting Up a Webhook in CoachIQ

Step 1: Create a New Webhook

  1. Go to Webhooks: In your CoachIQ dashboard, navigate to the Webhooks section.

  2. Click on "New Webhook": This will open a form where you can set up your webhook.

Step 2: Configure the Webhook

  1. Webhook Name: Enter a name for your webhook. This can be anything that helps you remember what the webhook is for.

  2. Method: Select POST from the dropdown.

  3. URL: Enter the URL where you want to send the webhook data. If you are using Zapier, you will get this URL from Zapier when setting up a "Catch Webhook" trigger.

  4. Headers: Add a header with Content-Type set to application/json. This tells the receiving app that the data is in JSON format.

Step 3: Add a Trigger

  1. Click on "Add Trigger": This will let you choose what event will send the webhook.

  2. Select an Event: Choose an event like "New User" from the dropdown. This means whenever a new user signs up in CoachIQ, the webhook will be triggered.

Step 4: Save and Create

  1. Click on "Create": Your webhook is now set up and ready to send data to the URL you specified.

Example: Adding a New User to an Email Marketing Software

Let's say you want to automatically add a new user who signs up on CoachIQ to your email marketing software. Here’s how you can do it:

Create a Webhook in CoachIQ

  1. Name: Name the webhook something like "New User Signup".

  2. Method: Set the method to POST.

  3. URL: Enter the URL provided by Zapier when you set up a "Catch Webhook" trigger.

  4. Headers: Add the Content-Type header with the value application/json.

  5. Trigger: Add the trigger for "New User".

Set Up the Zap in Zapier

  1. Create a New Zap: Open Zapier and create a new Zap.

  2. Choose Trigger App: Select "Webhooks by Zapier" as the trigger app.

  3. Select Trigger Event: Choose "Catch Hook" as the trigger event.

  4. Copy Webhook URL: Copy the custom webhook URL provided by Zapier.

  5. Paste URL in CoachIQ: Use this URL in the URL field of your CoachIQ webhook.

  6. Set Up Actions: Set up actions in Zapier to add the new user to your email marketing software.

By following these steps, every time a new user signs up on CoachIQ, their information will be sent to Zapier, which will then add them to your email marketing list automatically.

Automations with CoachIQ Using Webhooks

Understanding Webhooks

Webhooks capture data from within the platform to trigger an automation. For example, if a new form is filled out, you might want to send an automatic text message or an automatic email.

Using Zapier for Automations

We recommend using Zapier for this purpose. Here is the process:

  1. Create a Zap: Open Zapier and create a new Zap.

  2. Set Up Trigger: Choose "Catch Hook" as the trigger event.

  3. Set Up Action: For the action, select "Gmail" to send an email.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Catch Webhook: Initiate the webhook in Zapier.

  2. Select Action: Specify the action as sending an email via Gmail.

Once you have configured "Catch Hook" in Zapier:

  • Copy the webhook URL that you want to send your data to.

  • Paste this URL back into the webhook settings in CoachIQ.

  • Create the webhook.

Testing the Webhook

  • Test Trigger: Hit the "Test Trigger" button.

  • No Data Scenario: If no form has been filled out, no data will appear.

  • Data Capture: If a form is filled out, the data will show up, allowing you to proceed with sending an email.

Use Cases

This method allows you to send an automatic email once a user fills out a form. There are many other use cases for webhooks and automations within CoachIQ, including:

  • Different triggers from forms

  • Bookings

  • Purchases

  • New user registrations

Explore the various possibilities to streamline your workflows with webhooks and automations in CoachIQ.


Webhooks in CoachIQ allow you to automate tasks and connect with other apps. By setting up a webhook to POST data to a URL, you can instantly send information whenever specific events happen, like new user sign-ups. Use Zapier to easily manage these webhooks and automate your workflows, such as adding new users to your email marketing software.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to CoachIQ support!

Last updated