Connect your Stripe Account

How to Connect Your Stripe Account to CoachIQ

Connecting your Stripe account to CoachIQ allows you to seamlessly manage payments and subscriptions directly through your admin dashboard. Follow these simple steps to set up your Stripe integration:

Step 1: Access Your Admin Dashboard

  1. Open your web browser and go to

  2. Log in with your admin credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to Payment Settings

  1. Once you are logged into the dashboard, locate the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen.

  2. Click on the Services tab to expand the menu, then select the Payment option. This will direct you to the payment settings page.

Step 3: Connect Your Stripe Account

  1. On the Payment settings page, you will see a large button labeled Connect Your Stripe Account in the center of the screen.

  2. Click this button to be redirected to the Stripe authentication page.

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to authorize CoachIQ to access your Stripe account. This typically involves signing into your Stripe account and confirming the integration permissions.

Step 4: Confirmation

  1. After successfully connecting your Stripe account, you will be redirected back to the CoachIQ dashboard.

  2. You will receive a confirmation on your screen that the Stripe account has been connected successfully.

Last updated