Adding & Managing Coaches

This guide explains how to schedule different coaches and attach them to specific training sessions within CoachIQ. Follow these steps to efficiently manage your coaching team and their schedules.

Adding Coaches to Your Organization

  1. Log in to CoachIQ: Use your admin credentials to log into your CoachIQ account.

  2. Navigate to People:

    • On the left-hand sidebar, locate and click on "People" under the "Manage" section.

  3. Add a Member:

    • Click on the "Add Member" button to add a new coach to your organization.

    • Fill in the required details for the new coach, including their name, email, and role.

    • Save the new member's information to add them to your coaching team.

Scheduling a Session with a Different Coach

  1. Access the Specific Session:

    • Navigate to the training session you want to update. You can find sessions under the "Sessions" section.

  2. Scroll to the Bottom:

    • Once you are in the session details page, scroll down to the very bottom where it says "Connected Coach".

  3. Select the Coach:

    • Click on the "Connected Coach" dropdown menu to view the list of available coaches.

    • Select the coach responsible for that session from the dropdown list.

  4. Save Changes:

    • After selecting the appropriate coach, ensure you save the changes to confirm the coach's assignment to the session.

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