Personalized Athlete Portal URL

To personalize your athlete experience on your website with CoachIQ we need you to add specific records to your domain. Instead of your athletes visiting the business name) They will be visiting app.(your domain).com This will give you a complete whitelabel experience and enhance your user experience and brand. To do so you will need to add a CNAME record wherever your domain is registered. Here's the specific information you'll need to add:

Adding a CNAME record is generally a straightforward process, but the steps can vary depending on where your domain is registered. To help you out, here are links to guides for some of the most common domain registrars:

If your domain registrar isn't listed above, we recommend checking their support documentation or contacting their support team for assistance. Usually, searching for "how to add a CNAME record in [Registrar Name]" provides quick instructions.Please keep me updated when you've added the record or if any issues arise.

Last updated