Connecting a WIX domain

Connecting your domain from Wix and inviting collaborators.

How to Connect Your Custom Wix Domain

Step 1: Ensure you have access to your Wix Domain

Before connecting your domain to your CoachIQ website, ensure you have access to edit the DNS records and properly point it to your new CoachIQ website.

Step 2: Configure Your Website Builder

Proceed to your CoachIQ website builder's backend and follow these steps:

  1. Click on Settings.

  2. Select the option for a custom domain.

  3. Add your domain with "www." in front of it.

  4. Click on Request Custom Domain.

You will receive a pop-up confirmation that the custom domain has been requested. After this, move on to the next step.

Step 3: Add DNS Records

To connect your domain to your website, you need to add DNS records. Follow these instructions:

  1. Go to your domain registrar and locate the DNS settings.

  2. Remove existing records:

    • An A record with the name "@"

    • A CNAME record with the name "www"

  3. Add new records:

    • A Record:

      • Name: "@" (if not allowed, use your domain name)

      • Value: ""

      • Save the record

    • CNAME Record:

      • Name: "www"

      • Value: ""

      • Save the record

Once these records are added, it can take between 24 and 48 hours for your site to go live and be connected.

You can verify the connection by going to Settings and checking if your domain name is listed under Active Domains. Once live, you should be able to click it and access your website.

How to Invite CoachIQ as a Collaborator to Wix if Issues Arise

  1. Go to Roles & Permissions in your site's dashboard.

  2. Click Invite Collaborators.

  3. Enter as the collaborator's email address.

  4. Select the checkbox next to the Co-owner role to give CoachIQ full access.

  5. Click Send Invite.


  • Wix sites have 1 free collaborator seat as standard. To get more collaborator seats, you will need to upgrade your site.

  • If you already have more collaborators than your plan allows, they can remain as collaborators. However, you will not be able to invite new collaborators until you upgrade your site.

Checking Invitation Status

To find out if a collaborator has accepted their invitation:

  1. Go to Roles & Permissions in your site's dashboard.

  2. Look for a PENDING label next to their name, indicating they have not yet accepted your invite.

  3. Check the Joined on column to see when you sent the invite and how many days are left until it expires (invitations are valid for 30 days).

Resending an Invitation

You can resend a collaborator invitation at any time before it has been accepted, even if the invitation has expired. Choose to resend the invitation via email through Wix or retrieve a link to send directly to your collaborator.

To resend an invitation:

  1. Go to Roles & Permissions in your site's dashboard.

  2. Hover over the relevant person and click the More Actions icon.

  3. Choose how you want to resend the invitation:

    • Send it through Wix: Click Resend Invite. Wix will resend the invitation to the email address you entered.

      Tip: Ask your collaborator to check their spam folder if they don't see it.

    • Send it myself: Click Get Invite Link. The link is automatically copied to your clipboard. Paste it in an email or chat message to your collaborator.

Note: The "Send it myself" feature is currently not available in Safari.

Video Tutorial

For a step-by-step video guide on how to properly transfer your Wix domain to CoachIQ, watch this tutorial:


What do invitees see when invited to collaborate?

After you send an invite, your collaborator receives an email. When they click Accept invite, they'll be prompted to log into Wix or create an account if they don't have one.

How do I choose the right role to assign?

Choose a role based on the collaborator's tasks. For example:

  • For the most access to your site, pick Co-owner.

  • For design work, select Website Designer.

You can check role summaries and their permissions for more details.

Can collaborators invite others to work on my site?

Only the owner or admin co-owner role can invite additional collaborators to work on the site.

What if I invited the wrong person by mistake?

You can remove the collaborator to revoke access. Then, send a new invite to your collaborator's correct email address.

Last updated