Payment Overview

Overview of Payment Features in CoachIQ

CoachIQ offers a versatile set of payment features designed to streamline how you collect payments from your clients. Here’s a detailed overview of the different ways you can utilize these features:

1. Subscriptions and One-Time Purchases

You can set up both recurring subscriptions and one-time purchases to accommodate the various needs of your clients. This flexibility allows you to cater to different customer preferences and business models.

If you need to provide a quick payment option, CoachIQ enables you to send individual product links directly to your clients. This is particularly useful for fast transactions and promoting specific offers or services.

3. Paywalling Sessions

You can use products to require payments before clients can access scheduling tools. For example, similar to the practice by ICE Basketball, clients must complete a purchase before they can book a calendar session. This ensures that you are compensated before providing your services.

4. Paywalling Virtual Programs

Products in CoachIQ can also be used to gate access to virtual programs. This method involves setting up a paywall that clients must pass through by purchasing a product before gaining access to the content. It's an effective way to monetize webinars, online courses, and more.

5. Adding to Forms

Products can be added to forms. This involves going to forms and toggling on "products" on the top right.

Detailed Use Cases

Below, we will explore each of these use cases in detail to help you understand how to implement these payment features effectively within CoachIQ.

Setting Up Subscriptions and One-Time Purchases

  • Creating Subscriptions: Navigate to the 'Payments' section in your CoachIQ dashboard. Select 'Create Subscription' and fill in the necessary details such as pricing, billing cycle, and more.

  • Creating One-Time Purchases: In the same section, choose 'Create One-Time Purchase.' Specify the product details and price. Once created, you can share the product link with your clients as needed.

Sending Product Links

  • Generating Links: Once a product is created, go to the product's page and select 'Generate Link.' This link can then be sent directly to clients via email, SMS, or any other method of communication.

Implementing Paywalls for Sessions and Virtual Programs

  • Paywall Setup: For sessions, link the payment requirement within the booking settings. Clients will be redirected to complete a purchase before accessing the scheduling tool. For virtual programs, integrate the product purchase page with the access point to the content, ensuring that only paying clients can view or participate.

Last updated