Announcements & Emails

Message all your athletes at once

How to Send Announcements

Introduction Announcements on CoachIQ offer a powerful way to communicate en masse with everyone using your platform. It functions similarly to a bulletin board, providing a central space for athletes to view important messages. These announcements are not only visible within the CoachIQ platform but also notify users via email.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Announcement

  1. Navigate to Inbox

    • Start by going to your inbox on the CoachIQ platform.

  2. Create a New Announcement

    • Click on the "New" button at the top of your inbox panel.

    • From the dropdown menu, select "Announcement."

  3. Compose Your Announcement

    • Enter a compelling title for your announcement. For example, "Check out this new breakdown I just finished."

    • Write the content of your message in the space provided. Here, you can share updates, reminders, or any information relevant to your athletes.

  4. Attach Files (Optional)

    • If you have any breakdowns or additional resources to attach, you can add them to your announcement to provide further value to your athletes.

  5. Send the Announcement

    • Once you have composed your announcement, click the send button. This will distribute your message to all athletes on your platform.

Visibility and Interaction

  • After sending, the announcement appears prominently at the top of your athletes’ inboxes until viewed, ensuring it captures their attention.

  • Athletes can interact with the announcement, allowing for a dynamic exchange of information and feedback.

Examples of Effective Use

  • Announcements are versatile. For instance, you can inform your athletes about:

    • Daily or weekly training schedules.

    • Cancellations or changes in the training plan.

    • General reminders or motivational messages.

Additional Tips

  • Review how other successful coaches use the announcement feature for inspiration on crafting effective communications.

  • Regularly update your announcements to keep your content fresh and engaging.

Conclusion Utilizing the announcement feature in CoachIQ can significantly enhance your communication with your athletes, ensuring they stay informed and engaged with your coaching services. We encourage you to take full advantage of this feature to enhance your coaching impact.

How to Update the "Reply-To" Email form Announcements

Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction Updating the "Reply-To" email address for your organization's announcements is an essential step in ensuring that any responses to your announcements are directed to the correct email. This guide will walk you through the process of updating this setting via your admin dashboard.

  1. Access the Admin Dashboard

    • Start by logging into your admin dashboard where you manage your organization’s settings.

  2. Navigate to Settings

    • Once logged in, find and click on the “Settings” option, typically located in the main menu or sidebar.

  3. Go to Organization Settings

    • In the settings menu, select the “Organization” option to access organizational settings.

  4. Update the Reply Email

    • Scroll to the bottom of the Organization page. Here, you will find a field labeled “Reply Email.”

    • Enter the new email address that you want to use as the "Reply-To" for outgoing announcements.

  5. Save Your Settings

    • After you have entered the new email address, ensure to save your changes by clicking the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.

Last updated