Reset Password

How to Guide Users to Reset Their Password

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Access the Athlete Portal:

    • Open the Athlete portal using a web or mobile browser. As a coach please send the athlete portal link or direct them to your website where it is hosted

  2. Navigate to Login/Sign Up:

    • Click on the "Login / Sign Up" button.

  3. Find the Forgot Password Option:

    • Below the login and sign-up options, you will see a large "Forgot Password" call to action. Click on it.

  4. Enter Email Address:

    • Enter the email address associated with the user's account.

  5. Follow Email Instructions:

    • An email with instructions to reset the password will be sent to the provided email address. Follow these instructions to complete the process.

By following these steps, users will be able to reset their passwords quickly and easily.

Last updated