Deleting Multiple Files

How to Delete Media Files in Your Account

Deleting media files from your account is a straightforward process. Follow the steps below to remove unwanted clips:

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Navigate to the Media Section

    • Go to the Media section of your account.

  2. Enter Edit Mode

    • Click on the Edit button located at the top of the Media section.

  3. Select Clips to Edit

    • Select the clips you wish to delete by clicking on them. You can choose multiple clips at once.

  4. Edit Selected Clips

    • Once you have selected the clips, click on the Edit Selected button.

  5. Choose an Action

    • You will see three options:

      • Create a Video

      • Download All

      • Delete

  6. Delete Clips

    • Click on the Delete option to remove the selected clips from your account.

Visual Guide

Additional Information

  • Deleted clips cannot be recovered. Ensure you select the correct files before confirming the deletion.

  • You can also download clips before deleting them if you need to keep a local copy.

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please contact our support team.

This new help center page will guide users through the process of deleting media files from their account, ensuring they can manage their media effectively.

Last updated