Add to People

Storing Customer Information in Forms

Within forms, you have two ways to store customer information. You can choose to add a contact to your People section once a form is filled out, creating a new contact. Alternatively, you can opt not to add a contact to your People section.

Adding Contacts to the People Section

  1. Open the Contact Form: Click into the contact form you wish to configure.

  2. Navigate to Connections:

    • Go to the Connections tab located on the top menu.

  3. Enable Add to People:

    • Look for the Add to People option and enable it.

    • This option means, "I want to create a contact when a new form is filled out."

Form Configuration

  • Mandatory Fields: The first three fields on the form are mandatory and constitute the first page of the form. These fields are necessary to create a contact in your People section.

  • Additional Information: After completing the mandatory fields, users can fill out the rest of the form.

By following these steps, you can ensure that when someone fills out a form, they are added to your People section, keeping your contact information organized and up-to-date.

Last updated