Forms Overview

Forms centralize the collection and management of information from your customers, enhancing your ability to conduct business efficiently

How to Use Forms on CoachIQ

Introduction to Forms

Welcome to the new Forms feature on CoachIQ! Forms centralize the collection and management of information from your customers, enhancing your ability to conduct business efficiently. This guide will walk you through why we built this feature, how it benefits your business, and how you can start using it today.

Accessing Forms

  1. Log In: Start by logging into your CoachIQ platform.

  2. Navigate to Forms: Click on the Manage tab and you'll find the new Forms section.

Benefits of Using Forms

Forms simplify the process of gathering information by providing a single location for all forms you may need:

  • Website Forms: Easily integrate forms on your website.

  • Camp Forms: Manage registrations for camps and clinics seamlessly.

  • Onboarding Forms: Ensure all legal documentation is completed efficiently.

  • Feedback Forms: Collect player feedback to improve your coaching services.

  • Testimonial Forms: Gather testimonials from satisfied customers to enhance your reputation.

Forget about using multiple tools like Google Forms or external websites. CoachIQ consolidates all your needs into one platform where your payments and customer interactions are managed.

Creating and Using Forms

  1. Creating a Form: Simply click on the Create Form button. You can start from scratch or choose from various templates.

  2. Customizing Forms: Add fields by selecting the desired data points such as athlete’s first name, last name, email, and age. Custom fields can also be added for any unique information you need to collect.

  3. Editing Forms: To edit a form, click on the field you wish to change or delete.

Sharing Forms

Each form comes with a unique link that can be shared:

  • Embedding: Integrate forms directly on your website.

  • Direct Sharing: Send forms through the platform to users.

  • External Sharing: Use the link to share via email or text to reach athletes anywhere.

Features Overview

  • Media Files: Our forms support uploading and collecting media files, making it more versatile for different use cases.

  • Easy Navigation: The interface is designed to be intuitive, ensuring you can create and distribute forms quickly and efficiently.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need further assistance with our Forms feature, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're excited for you to explore this new functionality and see how it can streamline your coaching business.

By integrating forms into your CoachIQ platform, you're set to enhance your operational efficiency and provide a better experience for your customers. Happy coaching!

Last updated