Connect your Domain
How to Connect Your Domain to Your New CoachIQ Website
Follow these steps to connect your domain to your CoachIQ website. If you already own a domain name, you can skip the first step.
Step 1: Purchase Your Domain
If you don't already own a domain, you'll need to purchase one from a domain registrar like Namecheap or GoDaddy. Both options are reliable and similarly priced. Choose your preferred registrar, search for your desired domain name, and purchase an available one.
Step 2: Configure Your Website Builder
Once you have purchased your domain, proceed to your website builder's backend and follow these steps:
Click on Settings.
Select the option for a custom domain.
Add your domain with "www." in front of it.
Click on Request Custom Domain.
You will receive a pop-up confirmation that the custom domain has been requested. After this, move on to the next step.
Step 3: Add DNS Records
To connect your domain to your website, you need to add DNS records. Follow these instructions:
Go to your domain registrar and locate the DNS settings.
Remove existing records:
An A record with the name "@".
A CNAME record with the name "www".
Add new records:
A Record:
Name: "@" (if not allowed, use your domain name).
Value: "".
Save the record.
CNAME Record:
Name: "www".
Value: "website/".
Save the record.
Once these records are added, it can take between 24 and 48 hours for your site to go live and be connected. You can verify the connection by going to settings and checking if your domain name is listed under active domains. Once live, you should be able to click it and access your website.
And that's it! Your domain should now be connected to your new CoachIQ website.
Last updated