Session Overview

How to Use the Scheduling Feature


CoachIQ's calendar feature is designed to streamline the scheduling process for coaches, providing a seamless experience for athletes, parents, and users. This guide will walk you through how to use this feature effectively, from creating a session to managing bookings.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using CoachIQ's Scheduling Feature

  1. Accessing Sessions:

    • Log in to your CoachIQ account and access your coach or admin profile.

    • Navigate to the Services tab and select Sessions to manage your scheduling.

  2. Viewing Sessions:

    • On the sessions page, you’ll see all your currently booked sessions.

    • Here, you can also access specific booking links and view details of booked sessions.

  3. Creating a Session:

    • Click on the Create button to start setting up a new session.

    • Choose Session Builder to use the guided setup, or opt to create sessions manually if you prefer custom settings.

  4. Configuring Session Builder Settings:

    • In the Session Builder, configure your scheduling settings to align with your business model and client needs.

    • Example setup:

      • Availability: Set basic availability times, for instance, if you’re renting out a facility like a gym lane.

      • Session Details: Name your session, such as "Taylorsville Gym Rentals," and proceed to specify details like duration, buffer times, scheduling windows, and permissions (e.g., cancellation policies).

      • Limits: Define limits such as maximum bookings per day or week, and the maximum number of athletes per time slot.

      • Payment Options: Decide whether the session is free or paid, and set up the payment method if necessary.

      • Location and Staff: Assign a location and a coach to the session for clarity and organization.

  5. Finalizing and Publishing the Session:

    • After setting all necessary parameters, click Create to finalize the session.

    • The new session will now be available in your athlete portal, allowing clients to book appointments based on the availability and settings you’ve established.

Tips for Effective Scheduling

  • Consistency in Availability: Maintain consistent availability slots to avoid confusion and to build a routine for clients.

  • Clear Communication: Ensure all session details, including cancellation policies and payment instructions, are clearly communicated in the session setup.

  • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review your session bookings and settings to adjust for any changes in demand or availability.


CoachIQ's scheduling feature is a powerful tool that helps you manage your coaching sessions efficiently. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create tailored sessions that meet the specific needs of your business and provide a convenient and professional scheduling experience for your clients.

Last updated